National Leadership Conference July 2019 | Page 34

SESSION GUIDE: All Members * Undergraduate ** Alumnae


Workshops ROUND #4

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Choose one of the three offered workshops to attend. Workshops for this session are listed on pages 34-35 | Business Professional

Introduction to Diversity and Inclusion in Kappa Delta Chi

3:45 am - 6:00 pm | Room: Live Oak C/D

Presenter: Diversity and Inclusion Committee (Paula Arno Martinez, Lauren M. Fishel, M.S., Dr. Brenda Ivelisse, Briana Jarnagin, Deejay Zwaga, and Tomara Torres)

Kappa Delta Chi has recently been developing a diversity and inclusion infrastructure to better serve our sisterhood. The Social Justice Subcommittee for Education has put together a workshop to get sisters acquainted with certain topics that we will continue to build on via various educational vehicles such as webinars, workshops, e-guides, and more. The committee has designed this workshop to help guide sisters through exploring what diversity and inclusion mean within Kappa Delta Chi, as well as engage the entire sisterhood in our work to ensure the process is open and satisfactory to the needs and interests of our sisters.

*Note* This session will run two hours with a 15 minute break in between.

Pre-Registration Required: Space is limited to the first 65 sisters.


How Does Nationals Really Work?*

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Room: Live Oak B

Presenter: Dr. Melanie Rodriguez

The National Leadership Team continues to grow to support the organization. Along with that growth comes confusion in how things really work. This workshop will answer questions on the how the national leadership team is structured, who to go to for what, and how to get the help you need.

Get Financially Fit!**

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Room: Live Oak A

Presenter: Maria J. Martinez

Attendees will learn personal finance skills that will help them succeed in life. No matter how much money is earned, by carefully budgeting, a person can stay on track. Borrowing and building credit is not a bad business if done right. Attendees will learn how to keep up with their credit score and to shop around for the best loan deals. Protecting one’s identity and credit is very important; attendees will gather information on how this can be accomplished with little effort. And, let’s not forget about doing the right thing, attendees will learn that charity pays off and you feel good about it!