Thursday, July 11, 2019
•Any Kappa Delta Chi shirt with Greek letters, Kappa Delta Chi nickname, and/or Kappa Delta Chi spelled out
•KDChi shirts or tank tops are only permitted in the colors of pink, maroon, white, black, and/or gray. No
spaghetti straps are allowed to be worn.
•Pants, capris, shorts, and/or jeans are permitted. (No tears, rips, holes, leggings, jeggings, etc.)
•Close toed shoes i.e. ballet flats, clean sneakers, etc. (No flip flops)
There will be interactive and off site activities and it is mandatory that comfortable shoes are worn.
Friday, July 12, 2019
•AM - Casual (see above)
•PM - Afternoon - Business
•Professional Business Attire for Conference Workshops & Activities during the day
•Business skirt or pantsuits are preferred (skirts no shorter than 4” above the knee)
•Cap sleeve shirts are to be worn with a jacket/blazer
•Cardigans are not permitted
•Polo shirts worn alone are not permitted, but can be worn under a jacket/blazer
•Shirts with any portion that is see-through is not permitted
•Skirts and dresses with coordinated jackets are also acceptable
•No open toe shoes or clogs are permitted
•Maximum height of any heels worn cannot exceed 5”
•Hosiery should be worn in coordination with business attire
•All clothing should be appropriately pressed
•PM - Casual
•Kappa Delta Chi attire (see below) is welcome but is not required as the time after sisterhood night is open and not a part of the official conference activities. If you wish to wear Kappa Delta Chi paraphernalia, please keep in mind to bring a change of clothes if you want to partake in sightseeing.
•Any Kappa Delta Chi shirt with Greek letters, Kappa Delta Chi nickname, and/or Kappa Delta Chi spelled out
•Pants, capris, shorts, and/or jeans are permitted. (No tears, rips, holes, leggings, jeggings, etc.)
There will be interactive and offsite activities. Comfortable shoes are recommended.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
•AM - Business
•Professional Business Attire for Conference Workshops & Activities during the day
•Business skirt or pantsuits are preferred (skirts no shorter than 4” above the knee)
•Cap sleeve shirts are to be worn with a jacket/blazer
•Cardigans are not permitted
•Polo shirts worn alone are not permitted, but can be worn under a jacket/blazer
•Shirts with any portion that is see-through is not permitted
•Skirts and dresses with coordinated jackets are also acceptable
•No open toe shoes or clogs are permitted
•Maximum height of any heels worn cannot exceed 5”
•Hosiery should be worn in coordination with business attire
•All clothing should be appropriately pressed
•PM - Gala Attire
•Semi-formal attire
•Cocktail dress
•Maximum height of heels worn cannot exceed 5”
Sunday, July 14, 2019
•Conference Business Casual Attire
•Undergraduates or Inactive Alumnae:
•Official Kappa Delta Chi Greek letter shirt
•Khaki Pants/Skirts, Slacks in either brown, khaki/beige, black, or blue
•Closed-toed shoes including ballet flats, heels (with a maximum height of 5”), or clean sneakers
•Active Alumnae:
•Official NAA polo
•Khaki Pants/Skirt, Slacks in either brown, khaki/beige, black, or blue
•Close toed shoes including ballet flats, maximum height of heels worn cannot exceed 5”, clean sneakers
Dress Code