In our culture now, it is so acceptable to sleep around, to get drunk or to swear - that's the cultureal norm for this generation. You open up snapchat on a Saturday night and there are tones of videos of your friends not in a good way.
I'm not saying that you can't do this, I am not judging any of your decisions but I want to challenge you - do you feel like your living your best life? Are you living life to the full? It is normal to want to party and be wild - again, I don't want to make you feel bad for doing this but I believe you have been given this life. You have been given a good life, this is a blessing and a privilege to have a place tos leep, to have the right to an education.
So often we are affirmed by the things that we have - how many clothes we have, what phone we have, what car we have. But, none of that is important in the big picture. No matter what you believe about life after death, you can't take your earthly possessions to the grave, so why is it all so important to us? The truth is that we feel better the more things we have, the money we make. Everything we can buy will temporarily make us feel happy. We happens when this happiness wears off?
When we break our new car or grow out of our desinger clothes? We'll feel sad, probably a bit empty too, so we buy more and the same thing happens. We will never feel fully fulfilled.
I have made a choice to try and care less about my material things. In 2 Corinthians 4:18 it says "We fix our eyes non on what is seen, but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
I believe that the Bible is the living word, it is relevant. I know that when I die, I can't take anything I've bought, anything I own to heaven. I want to focus on the 'unseen' which to me means God. I want to focus on God and heaven - all of these thins are eternal.
Whether you believe in the afterlife or not, I want to encourage you to think more about what you're spending your money on and what you're spending your time thinking about. Start thinking about how you can spend you money and time wisely. Focus on things that are forever, things that will make you feel truly happy.
Abi Tuffin