NATDA Magazine Sept/Oct 2023 | Page 31

Research and Inspiration To better inform and shape your content marketing efforts ( particularly on social media ), ask ChatGPT questions to generate idea lists based on its vast knowledge and ability to quickly compile lists on just about any topic . You can ask for content ideas based on trailer type ( e . g ., gooseneck ) or application ( e . g ., horse trailer ). From there , ask ChatGPT to organize the data by subtopic or expand or simplify the list to your liking . ChatGPT can be useful for creating keyword lists for social media posts , newsletter content and website search engine optimization ( SEO ) efforts .
Content Creation The most obvious ( and frankly overused ) function of ChatGPT is for rapidly creating content on any given topic with little more than a single prompt . For example , I asked ChatGPT “ How to Use ChatGPT for Marketing .” In less than two minutes , I ’ d created a blog post from the query . Based on keywords from the first step , you can ask ChatGPT to create a 600-word article on the specific topic ( e . g ., the top 5 gooseneck trailers for hauling horses ). The most common content assets created via ChatGPT today include media posts , blog posts , articles , FAQs , ad copy , product or service descriptions , translations and summaries . Over time , the content depth and complexity will increase . This doesn ’ t include AI-driven images or video capabilities of 4.0 and sister platforms , which we ’ ll save for another post .
Process Automation The bigger picture for ChatGPT and similar AI chatbot platforms is the ability to streamline dealer marketing efforts via automation . The low value , repetitive , relatively simple tasks can be outsourced to ChatGPT . Even more advanced tasks such as generating marketing reports or analyzing social , email or website data are also areas of opportunity . The key to successful AI integrations is to outline and standardize the processes you wish to automate . Unfortunately , defining key processes is largely a human effort , but with a significant upside once documented .
ChatGPT is helpful in creating and understanding content and concepts , but it still requires a good deal of human oversight to maximize its potential . As the ChatGPT expert in your dealership , you ’ ll dramatically increase your value to your current and future roles . In the remote chance ChatGPT fails to dramatically impact sales , at least you ’ ll know how to get your social media responsibilities done faster and better , with AI tools .
To learn more about the social media marketing strategies , tools and tactics ( including ChatGPT ), attend Kent ’ s Marketing Sessions at the NATDA Trailer Show on Wednesday , August 30th :
9am : Digital Marketing Refresh and Strategic Planning – Room 102 AB , Level One , Music City Center
11am : Digital Marketing Deep-Dive Workshop : 20 Steps to a More Effective Online Presence for 2023 – Room 103BC , Level One , Music City Center
About Kent Lewis Kent is a digital pioneer and entrepreneur who regularly speaks , writes and is frequently quoted by industry media . As Founder of pdxMindShare , Portland ’ s premier professional networking group and online career community , he specializes in connecting area businesses with job candidates and building careers via education .
www . natda . org NATDA Magazine 31