3 Elements of Lot Security
Written by Eric Petersen , DealeRisk
Any dealership that has suffered a loss on their lot — whether that is from theft , an accident or weather event — knows how disruptive and expensive that unexpected event was for their company . Unfortunately , the true cost of a lot incident is not easily calculated , and because of that , many dealerships do not take a proactive approach to reduce the likelihood and severity of the incident .
At DealeRisk , we believe there are three core elements of lot security on which you should focus .
1 . Physical Lot – Obviously , how you manage your physical lot is the best way to minimize a disruption to your business from a lot incident . It is the element that most dealerships do very well . This includes installing perimeter fencing with locking gates around your inventory , having security cameras and lot lighting as well as practicing good lot housekeeping with vegetation and the lot surface .
2 . Anti-Theft – In addition to the physical lot security items mentioned above , many dealerships employ additional anti-theft protocols to reduce the chance of theft on their lot . There are many different types of anti-theft devices that a dealership can choose from and often a dealership may use more than one of these to properly secure their inventory . From individual unit tags to specific catalytic converter anti-theft devices , your obvious goal should be to make it as difficult as possible for someone to steal any of your units . Don ’ t forget about parts on units . Spare tires , LP tanks , and TVS are all items that thieves steal out of dealership lots across the country . Lastly , make sure you have a locked key cabinet with restricted access , so the keys of a unit don ’ t end up in the wrong hands .
3 . Risk Management Policies – Most dealership owners would agree that written policies are a cornerstone for a successful dealership , yet many times written policies regarding lot security are neglected . We suggest having the following written risk management policies in place for your dealership :
• Key Control Policy
• Service Drop Policy
• Test Drive Policy
• Remote Inventory Security Policy
• Severe Weather Policy
• Driver Management Policies
• Driver Training
• Driver Testing
• Driving Record Guidelines and Review
Focusing on all three of these elements will drastically reduce the chances of a lot security issue disrupting your dealership .
About DealeRisk : DealeRisk Insurance takes a unique approach including risk management and implementing the “ Big Three ” programs to reduce claims and , either immediately or overtime , reduce premiums . Our proactive approach consisting of monthly business tips , lot security assessments , and a consulting division are all part of what DealeRisk Commercial Insurance brings to the table . DelaeRisk offers all policies needed for your dealership including Inventory insurance , Garage Liability , Garage Keepers , Property , Workers ’ Compensation , Umbrella , and General Liability . For more information or a quote , visit dealerisk . com .
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