NATDA Magazine Nov/Dec 2023 | Page 8

Q : The 2023 NATDA Trailer Show broke records again in terms of attendance , overall exhibit space square footage and classroom attendance . Looking back on the event , what are your thoughts on your time in Nashville and what do you feel was your most valuable takeaway from it ?
A : “ I feel the biggest takeback that I received from this year ’ s show , was the confirmation that we are not the only dealership struggling with the decline of trailer sales these past two quarters , and that inventory control is more important than ever before . Making sure you are getting rid of overpriced stock / aging inventory in a manner that doesn ’ t diminish your profit is the key to success going forward and a significant challenge to overcome . This is a topic that the Dealer Advisory Council will seek to address going into the in New Year .”
-Shane Thompson , Action Trailers
Shane Thompson
A : “ I thought the show made good strides again this year to bring value to its members . The best feedback that I received from attendees is that they felt like the NATDA is trying help bring our industry up to other industry standards , such as RV and Auto , and they are looking for insights , suggestions and meaningful discussions about their businesses .
Dealership Performance Training was seen as an asset this year . Exposing dealership owners and personnel to systems and practices for success is a huge asset to the industry . I ’ m excited to see how NATDA continues to expand its education and content to help dealership in the future .”
Josh Motley , Great West Trailer and Truck
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU ! The Dealer Advisory Council is here to advise on issues that are most important to NATDA Dealer Members . From questions on inventory management to hiring , staffing and management , this group of experienced trailer professionals is happy to share their knowledge and experience . Let us know which topics you ’ d like to see the Council address in future issues and other communications .
Have a question for the NATDA Dealer Advisory Council ? Contact NATDA at council @ natda . org . Please use subject line “ Advisory Council .”
The opinions here represent the diversity of opinion within the light to medium-duty trailer industry . The views and opinions expressed are those of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the North American Trailer Dealers Association who shall not be held liable for any inaccuracies presented .
8 NATDA Magazine www . natda . org