Women can play a crucial role in in coaching and empowering the next generation to navigate their personal and professional lives . If you become interested in privately mentoring a co-worker or volunteering as a mentor with a community or industry organization , you ’ ll need to look inward first to determine if mentoring is right for you .
CONDUCT A SELF-ASSESSMENT : Both the mentee and the mentor need to get something out of the relationship . It helps to conduct a frank self-assessment so you can determine if you are a good fit for a prospective mentee ( and vice versa ).
Assess your specific areas of expertise and define what it is you can bring to the table as a mentor This can be industry- or field-specific expertise or general areas of skill and knowledge ( such as professional presence , relationshipbuilding , or management skills ).
Determine what you hope to achieve through mentoring . Do you wish to guide someone on a specific career path , help them develop a professional skill such as public speaking , or assist coaching towards a goal
Define your level of commitment : Depending on the context and organization , mentoring relationships may require a long-term commitment , as continuity can be essential for the mentee ’ s growth and development . To ensure that mentoring opportunity will be a match , you ’ ll need to be honest about the amount of time you can allot to mentoring .
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