Thousands of dealerships are using video chat , but is it really that useful ? Could it be a game-changer for your business ? The answer – to both questions – is a resounding YES !
Convenience is driving customer satisfaction in every industry . Video Chat answers the call for convenience , while also making your busines more efficient . The beauty of video chat is that customers no longer need to meet you in person . Whether this means scheduling a quick meeting , sharing your screen to show a document , or showing a damaged part on a piece of equipment , business love video chat because it allows customers to see what they need to see – wherever they are .
Here are three ways you can implement video chat at your dealership :
Perform Live Walk-throughs of Parts & Service Work that Needs Approval . Closing service tickets quickly is a benefit to both the dealership and the customer . Video chat is allowing Parts & Service departments to video chat customers and get a quick approval to move forward with a fix . The customer does not need to hang around the shop or come back in every time a new issue is discovered . Simply give them a quick video call , show them the damage , and get an approval to move forward .
Give Potential Buyers a Virtual , Live Walk-around of a Vehicle . Especially in times where social distancing is encouraged , the ability to continue your business operations through video chat is essential . If an inbound website lead shows interest in a particular unit , schedule a quick video call to do a live walkaround of the unit with the customer . This creates an opportunity to make more sales than ever before .
Utilize a ‘ Share my Screen ’ Functionality to Review , Price or Quote Contracts , and F & I Warranty Menus . Nothing is more annoying to employees and customers than back-and-forth emails with dozens of attachments . Instead , video chat the customer , share your screen and explain each part of the contract with them personally . You will close more sales , and you will have happier customers .
To learn more about how a video chat software can benefit your business or to discover other helpful marketing tips , please visit kenect . com or text 888-972-7422 .
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