“ One of our guys met John Schneider , who played Bo Duke on Dukes of Hazzard . John lives in Louisiana where he does something called Bo ’ s Extravaganza . It is a big weekend country music festival , so he invited us to come down . Opportunities and crazy stuff like that are opening up .”
Now , Sutton says the company has customers asking them to come out for things such as grand openings . While it may not make sense for the group to head out specifically for one event , they do look at the region to see if they can do a longer tour .
“ It ’ s strategic for sure . During the early part of fall last year , we had one of our trailers out on the road for almost two months . A couple of us ran around Illinois , Ohio , and Minnesota before heading all the way down to Missouri and just parked it . Then , one of our other teams flew in , picked it up and did their own tour .”
“ Historically , we have spent most of our money , our marketing dollars on promoting directly with our retail partners and not just branding . You don ’ t see Firman billboards , for example ,” he says . “ However , this is a really effective way to strategically build the brand while improving the relationships we have with our customers .
Though the country ’ s businesses are starting to open back up for good , Sutton and Flores do not see Firman Power Equipment ’ s new program coming to an end anytime soon . In fact , it , and the company ’ s innovative tactics , are only just getting started .
To learn more about Firman Power Equipment , please visit firmanpowerequipment . com or meet them in Booth 410 at the 2021 NATDA Trailer Show in Nashville , TN from September 1-3 , 2021 .
The company even went so far as to supply a truck to one of its employees living in Illinois . The team sees it as a good way to station themselves around the country to get out even more .
Matt Flores , Firman Power Equipment ’ s Creative and Marketing Manager , has seen additional benefits as well .
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