While we hope that the last year was a successful one for your dealership , we have a feeling that this year will prove even more fruitful . As inventories and business begin to climb back to the levels prior to 2020 , trailer dealerships around the country will hopefully find their way back to a sense of normalcy .
This year , our association is heavily focused on finding more partners that provide benefits specifically to your businesses . While we introduced her in the previous issue , our newest team member , Membership Manager LeAnna Koerner , has been tasked to do just that . To keep you up to date on your benefits as well as welcome new members to our association , you ’ ll now find each issue contains a column from LeAnna entitled LeAnna ’ s “ Koerner ” ( pg 19 ).
Speaking of LeAnna ’ s research into benefit partners , we ’ re proud to welcome Larchmont to the trailer industry family and announce a new member benefit – retirement plans . The all-new NATDA 401 ( k ) Group Plan Solutions ( GPS ) will provide you a powerful plan designed to reduce administrative burden , transfer certain risks and lower your overall plan cost . In this issue , Larchmont ’ s article Know the Landscape : The Potential Impact of State-Mandated Retirement Plans ( pg 42 ) will discuss why this benefit may be something you need to consider utilizing sooner rather than later .
While member benefits may help trailer dealerships across North America , a successful business still needs hard-working people behind the operation . For that reason , this issue ’ s Dealer Spotlight feature , Vehicle Venture : An Early Start for the Trailer Dealership That Cares ( pg 20 ) focuses on 20-year-old Nadia Mac- Adams and her Canadian dealership . MacAdams made her first trip to the NATDA Trailer Show last year , mere months after purchasing her business .
MacAdams wasn ’ t the only one who found her way to Nashville , though . The 2021 NATDA Trailer Show was an incredibly crucial one for the entire industry and demonstrated its importance . To emphasize that , we ’ re pleased to announce that we had the fastest response we ’ ve ever had regarding 2022 ’ s edition . At the time of this writing and within 45 days of the close of the show , over 63 % of last year ’ s exhibitors confirmed to return , including component producers , manufacturers , OEMs , consultants , distributors and more with new exhibitors joining every day . One of those is QuickLoadz . The Ohio-based manufacturer , featured on the cover of this issue , has some incredibly unique products , which we dive into in QuickLoadz : Move Containers in Minutes AUTOMATICALLY ( pg 22 ).
As always , thank you for your incredible support of our association . We look forward to showing you what ’ s in store for this year and seeing you again at the 2022 NATDA Trailer Show in Nashville from August 31 – September 2 !
8 NATDA Magazine www . natda . org