NATDA Partnership with Larchmont / Transamerica Benefit Program Brings Retirement Options to the Trailer Industry In partnership with Larchmont / Transamerica , the North American Trailer Dealers Association ( NATDA ) is unveiling a powerful retirement plan solution designed reduce administrative burden , transfer certain risks and lower the overall plan costs for NATDA members . retirement plan arena so members can focus on growing and scaling their businesses .”
To learn more about the NATDA 401 ( k ) Group Plan Solutions , please visit larchmont401k . com / natda or call 727-360- 0304 . To learn more about other NATDA member benefits , please visit natda . org .
The all-new NATDA 401 ( k ) Group Plan Solutions ( GPS ), powered by Larchmont and Transamerica , puts NATDA members in control over their retirement offerings while creating an avenue to attract and retain employees , something that 81 % of workers said play a major factor in their decision to accept a job offer according to the 19th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey of Workers .
“ Many of our members , manufacturers and dealers alike , struggle with filling the ranks of their staff throughout the year ,” said NATDA Vice President Amy Ackerman . “ This new program will create a way to either attract new talent or retain their current employees , while strengthening the position of the trailer industry ’ s workforce overall .”
By joining the program , business owners and their HR teams ’ workloads are reduced , fiduciary coverage is added and employees are offered a competitive plan , all while taking advantage of the economies of scale pricing and lessening 401 ( k ) audit costs .
“ We are excited to form a partnership with NATDA and enhance its already robust member benefit program by offering NATDA 401 ( k ) GPS ,” said Jeff J . Kim , CFP ® of Larchmont Financial . “ With many States already passing legislation requiring employers to either offer a retirement plan or join State-facilitated program , this program will assure that NATDA ’ s members will be compliant with their States while offering a competitive plan that can be customized for company ’ s needs . We are looking forward to be part of NATDA ’ s family and be a resource in the corporate
Wil-Ro Focuses on Product Line Standardization and Strategic Financing Partnership to Expand Growth Wil-Ro , Inc . marked 32 percent growth in Q3 2021 compared to the same quarter in 2020 , shifting focus on product line standardization , inking a strategic financing partnership and deepening workforce bench to support growth nationwide .
Beginning January 2022 , Wil-Ro will reduce its product series suite to solely focus on its core truck bodies within the Landscape Series and Flatbed Series to streamline its production process and improve the lead times for these high-demand truck bodies .
Landscape Series :
• Standard Landscape
• Removable Dovetail Landscape
Flatbed Series :
• Freedom Flatbed
• Patriot Flatbed
• Skirted Flatbed