Natcon Directory | Page 44

DAY 2 • April 17 • Friday PROGRAM SCHEDULE UAP NATCON 41 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM PROGRAM MANAGER Registration / Kit Distribution / National Elections Election Proper venue: Meeting Room 1, SMX module 1B - Empowering Architects for ASEAN Integration Ar. Maria Luisa M. Gutierrez, uap 9 ASEAN Integration in the Philippines speakers: Ar. Anna Estela Rosario H. Ulep, uap (Deputy) Mr. Raymond A. Astillas, DTI venue: Function Rooms 3,4,5, SMX Mr. Guillermo M. Luz, PCC Hon. Jose Y. Cueto Jr., MD. FPCS, MHPed, PRC Ar. Yolanda David Reyes, fuap, hfaia, apec ar., asean ar. moderator: Ar. Consuelo C. Buencamino, uap, aia, asean ar. Lunch by Wilcon Depot Ar. Allen G. Oblena, uap General Assembly & Annual Business Meeting Ar. Armando Eugene C. De Guzman III, venue: Function Rooms 3,4,5, SMX fuap & SOCIALS TEAM Please refer to page 46 for detailed program 2:30 PM - 6:30 PM 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM 3:30 PM - 3:50 PM 3:50 PM - 6:00 PM Canvassing of Votes venue: Meeting Room 1, SMX EAROPH Ar. Marian Eileen Florentino-Marudo, uap venue: Meeting Room 7, SMX Module 2 - Empowering Architects for Resilient & Climate Responsive Design 10 Greening Malaysia: One Building at a Time Ar. Mystice Michelle H. De Guzman, uap speaker: Ar. Boon Che Wee, Malaysia Ar. Allen G. Oblena, uap (Deputy) moderator: Ar. Rey Gabitan venue: CONEX Hall 1, SMX Ar. Michael Angelo J. Baruiz, uap 11 New Urbanism and Smart Cities speaker: Ar. Sarly Adre Sarkum, Malaysia Ar. Jose Marie S. Tan, uap (Deputy) venue: CONEX Hall 2, SMX moderator: Ar. Emerlito Punsalan Snacks / Meet & Greet venue: CONEX Hall, SMX 12 Designing Aerodynamic Ar. Mystice Michelle H. De Guzman, uap & Gravity Defying Hillside Homes Ar. Allen G. Oblena, uap (Deputy) speaker: Ar. James Galias Jao, fuap, piid venue: CONEX Hall 1, SMX moderator: Ar. Rey Gabitan 13 Resilient Housing Design: An Answer to Ar. Michael Angelo J. Baruiz, uap Disasters and Extreme Environment Ar. Jose Marie S. Tan, uap (Deputy) speaker: Ar. EnP. Edilberto F. Florentino, fuap, venue: CONEX Hall 2, SMX likha awardee, apec ar., asean ar., fis moderator: Ar. Emerlito Punsalan 42 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM 14 Beyond Disasters: New Paradigms in the Architect’s Role & Services speaker: Ar. EnP. Stephanie N. Gilles, uap, piep moderator: Ar. Rey Gabitan 15 Typhoon Resistant School Buildings speaker: Ar. Tito Moises S. Encinas, uap moderator: Ar. Emerlito Punsalan UAP Awards Night with HCG venue: Function Rooms 3,4,5, SMX Ar. Mystice Michelle H. De Guzman, Ar. Allen G. Oblena, uap (Deputy) venue: CONEX Hall 1, SMX Ar. Michael Angelo J. Baruiz, uap Ar. Jose Marie S. Tan, uap (Deputy) venue: CONEX Hall 2, SMX Ar. Maria Nina Bailon-Arce, fuap, asean ar. & SOCIALS TEAM uap