Natcon Directory | Page 18

UAP NATCON 41 MA. BENITA O. REGALA, fuap, asean ar. National President Warm greetings to all of the Officers and Members of the UAP! In this day of age, where borders brought about by Globalization are rapidly becoming unseen, liberalization becoming the norm; the demands and expectations in every aspect is being felt the strongest. The objectives of the integration of the 10 Southeast Asian Nations: economic growth, improvement of cultural relations, creation of more opportunities has been the heart of every conversation and it is only fitting that our theme for the 41st Annual National Convention, “Empowering Architects Towards Asean Integration” be aligned with these objectives. A good leader encourages competition; a better leader encourages healthy competition. The difference between that two is that the latter’s main goal is to inspire the other for the benefit of the common good. The motive should always be for the greater good of the majority, for the continuous improvement of not only oneself but towards the development of one another. The activities set forth by the Organizing Committee encourage healthy competition by equipping the architects with the right tools to prepare for the integration and the inevitable challenges that lay ahead. There’s the “UAP Convention Exhibit, Arkilympics, General Assembly and Business meetings, Investiture of New Fellows, CPE Seminars, Architectural Tours and Fellowship Night”. The ultimate intention is to create awareness of the different aspects required by the integration, the technologies to be used, the building of a stronger and affordable infrastructure, disaster resilient housing, whilst keeping sustainability in mind in every creative design, in every idea realized by every Architect. The Organization has experienced its share of adversities throughout the years, yet in every year we have managed to stay strong as one team. This strength comes from every member’s unconditional service and continuing importance given to staying united regardless of the position in the organization. In UAP, all roles are valued, as each person is a representative of what the organization is all about. Let our vision be our guide in overcoming individual differences. 16 I would like to thank the Organizing Committee, the UAP Secretariat, my Fellow Officers and Members for their contributions, ensuring the success of this national conference. I take pride in leading such individuals and feel honored and humbled by the service you all have given. Congratulations!