Florentino C. Doble, MD
Professional Regulation Commission
It is my pleasure to extend cordial greetings to the United Architects of the Philippines on the formal opening
of your 41st National Convention.
The professional Regulation Commission welcomes this forum as a fulfillment of the UAP’s mission of
spearheading continuing professional education in the architectural profession. This indeed is a demonstration
of leadership, a point which is sufficiently reinforced by the chosen convention theme of, “Empowering Architects
Towards ASEAN Integration”
The UAP’s adoption of this theme is congruent to the government’s embarkation on an acceleration of
infrastructure as an important component of the Philippine Development Plan. The cooperation and coordination
between the public and the private sectors in forging programs and creating employment relative to infrastructure
and public facilities which is evidenced by the ever-growing business process outsourcing (BPO) industry and an
uprsurge in the field of real estate thus pointing to the rise of opportunities for architecture.
At the same time, the profession is a pro-active witness and an active player to the transition from traditional
to green architecture, giving rise to sustainable construction designs that maximize energy utilization and minimize
environmental degradation. The United Architects of the Philippines has earned its prominence and eminence in
spearheading actions and activities in promoting green architecture and keeping Philippine architecture in step
with global developments (if not ahead) in the preservation of our environment.
To the United Architects of the Philippines my best wishes for a successful convention!