Natashas Aug - Sep August-September Magazine | Page 4

RECOMMENDED TAKE-HOME PRODUCTS: Bestow Be Cleansed Powder Removes wastes by cleaning the bowel and ensuring great elimination. You'll have less fluid retention, 'toxic-sludgy-feeling' cellulite, and your results will be better with The Body Shaper. $64.95 FIGHT The Detox Dry Body Brush Brush your bod daily to bring blood flow to skin & aid waste removal through your lymphatic system. $20 cellulite H A T E Y O U R C E L L U L I T E ? Cheat your way to a firm body using technology that tightens and reshapes your thighs, tummy and bum. This course is 1 treatment a week for 4 weeks to get your body clean and firm again. 4 T RE A T MENT S $ 440 SAVE $280