NATAL NOMADS Newsletter Natal Nomads Newsletter Cato Golf Club May 2023 | Page 6

Yours Truly , the creator , editor and publisher of the Newsletter and website would like to thank you for the input , and encourage all members to provide content which could be informative and entertaining , please mail content to aquaman1 @ mweb . co . za or WhatsApp
June :


Resignation to date
Stephen Frizelle
Awards at Royal Durban Golf Day 22 June 2023 :
50-year tie
Peter Jewell
35-year tie
Richard Andersson
35-year tie
Tony Ridl
20-year tie
Basil Thomas
Trevor Wolf to be removed from the prospective member list .
Andrew Erich and Jeff Holliday to remain on the prospective member list .
Medical Credits for :
Mike Jordan
3 months ( Hip replacement )
Dick Skinner
time to be determined after the operation .
Blake Shepherd request reinstatement as a full member .
The Drakensburg and Langham Edwards weekend on the 8 th & 9 th July has had an overwhelming response from GAUTENG and SOUTHERN NATAL NOMADS , a triangular series annually competed for the relevant trophies .
This year our National Chairman Mr Graham Bishop will be joining us for the event .
Program as follows for the Drakensburg & Langham Edward weekend : - Friday cocktail party at Sica ’ s Guest House . - Saturday & Sunday playing dress – Club playing dress - Nomad handicaps - Saturday prize giving – smart casual - Sunday prize giving – No 1 ’ s ( Altar on view )