Venue: D.C.C Date: 25 June 2020
1. Divisional Competition – Sponsored by: Natal Nomads & Glenbrynth. Winning 1 x bottle of Glenbrynth each.
A. Division B. Division C. Division
Runners up: Mike Graham Greg Graham George Parker
Points: ( 31 off 8 hcp ) ( 35 off 13 hcp ) ( 33 off 17 hcp )
Sponsored by: Natal Nomads & Glenbrynth. Winning 2 x bottles of Glenbrynth and a bottle of Single Malt Glenbrynth each.
A. Division B. Division C. Division
Winners: Craig Allan Michael Hayes Shaun Barker
Points: ( 31off 6 hcp ) ( 39 off 11 hcp ) ( 34 off 15 hcp )
2. Best Gross Score of the day – Sponsored by Ryan Ringo: 2 night stay @ Umthunzi Hotel
Points: 39 Michael Hayes
3. Playing 4 Ball - Sponsored by Mount Vernon Wines: 2 X bottles of White Rhino Tears & 1 X bottle of Red Rhino Tears each
Runners Up Points: 117 oco
Blake Shepherd Maurice Chelin Richard Anderson Mike Mayers
Sponsored by:Natal Nomads,SAB & Glenbrynth. Each winning a case of Stella Artois and a bottle of Glenbrynth each.
Winners Points: 117
Greg Graham Marc Feher Butch Armitage Justin Ackerman
4. Playing Pair for the day - Sponsored by Natal Nomads, Passport 4 Golfers and Glenbrynth: winning a Passport 4 Golfers
and 2 bottles of Andiamo each.
Winners Points: 66
Greg Graham
Marc Feher
5. Most Points Scored (OVER 55 – Did not win any other prize) – Sponsored by Natal Nomads and Glenbrynth. 1
x bottle of Glenbrynth.
Points: 34 pts off 11 hcp Gavin Brown