Natal Nomads Golf Newsletter February 2021 | Seite 10

5 . Wununder - ( Share Pool of 6 Golf Balls ) – Sponsored by Natal Nomads No 6
No winners 34
6 . THUNDERBOLT - ( Share a Pool of 18 Golf Balls ) – Sponsored by Tony Bolt Hole no 6
Gary smith
7 . Most Points Scored ( OVER 55 that did not win any other prize ) – Sponsored by Glenbrynth - winning 1 Bottle of Glenbrynth
Points : 34 __ off a _ 14 _ Hcp Geoff Hennbry
8 . Most Golf - Sponsored by : Steve McClelland winning a Chop of the month golf cap ( to be worn at your next Nomads game )
Points : _ 22 _ of a 15 __ Hcp Justin Ackerman
9 . Hard Hat Brigade – Worst Playing 4 ball , winning the opportunity to participate in the “ fines session ” and pack away the “ prize table ”
Points : Ian Brewer Butch Armitage George Parker
10 . Two Clubs - Sponsored by Natal Nomads , each person receiving a single golf ball ( Please collect from Steve McClelland after Prize Giving )
Johann Bothma Gary SmithX2 Bevan Manson Chad Walters Mike Hayes
Mike Jordan Garth Enslin John Crimes -HIO