NATAL NOMADS Golf Club Monthly issue Monthly Newsletter Durban Country Club August 2018 | Page 10
Michelle Burmester – enjoying the temporary peace!!
It is with great sadness that Natal Nomads bids
farewell to Mark and Michelle Burmester.
Is that MARK’S voice I hear ??
Mark has been on our committee for a number of years
in the Furtherance of Golf Portfolio and Michelle
recently joined us as our Treasurer. Their departure will
mean we will need to fill these positions on the
committee, our loss is however Southern Cape’s gain
and we have no doubt that the Burmies will make a
massive impact within their new Nomads club.
Their recent Fundraiser at our 55th Anniversary raised
R8,000.00 for the FOG with a number of generous
donations from their son Dean.
We wish you all the best and look forward to catching
up with you in the near future.
Just having 1 for the roadblock !! Mark is explaining to Keith
as he departs
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