NASPA Adult Learners and Students with Children Newsletter Vol. 2, Issue 1 | Page 3

Coverage of Title IX Letter from Department of Education
The Office of Civil Rights within the Department of Education released important information in a dear colleague letter concerning the implementation of Title IX in relation to pregnant students . The letter released in June 2013 is primarily addressed to high schools , but the letter makes clear that the information is applicable to higher education as well .
Many institutions already accommodate pregnant students , but one important note is this clarification and treatment of students is applying the Title IX 1972 law against discrimination based on sex instead of some other law , like Americans with Disabilities Act .
Full links to the letter and coverage of the letter can be found at the left .
As Student Affairs professionals we must be aware this law specifically states that extracurricular activities must also not exclude pregnant students . Reasonable accommodations can be requested and must be made . In addition , a student with a doctor approved absence must be able to come back in same standing in academics and extracurricular activities .
Link to the Letter from the Department of Education : Office of Civil Rights :
Title IX Facts and Figures : �� Started in 1972

Special Report on the Title IX Dear Colleague Letter http :// www2 . ed . gov / about / offices / list / ocr / letters / colleague-201306-title-ix . pdf

Link to the pamphlet with more information :
Oversight and implementation is from Office of Civil Rights within Department of Education
Most known impact is effect on sports http :// www2 . ed . gov / about / offices / list / ocr / docs / pregnancy . pdf
Chronicle of Higher Education article
http :// chronicle . com / article / US-Officials- Clarify / 140007 /
�� A “ Dear Colleague ” letter in 2011 addressed sexual harassment as discrimination falling within Title IX
Title IX applies to all institutions , public and private , that receive Federal Funds