• Polypectomy
During surgery , in order to remove isolated or tiny polyps , the surgeon will make use of a mechanical suction contraption . Alternatively , a Microdebrider is used . This is a contraption which basically cuts and removes soft tissue . Polypectomy is generally opted for when the polyps are easily reached through the nostril .
• Endoscopic sinus surgery
This is usually opted for when the polyps are deep in the sinuses . When performing the surgery , the surgeon takes an endoscope which he inserts into the nostrils . An endoscope is a minute tube that has a tiny camera . This is basically inserted all the way to the sinus cavities . Once there is a clear visual of the sinus cavities , the surgeon makes small cuts in the face through which the surgeon will make use of very small contraptions to get at the polyps and remove them .
After the surgery
Because nasal polyps often recur , even after surgery , the doctor might recommend that you use any type of corticosteroid nasal spray so that they do not recur . Alternatively , you might be advised to use salt water so that you heal faster after surgery .
If you have any of the above mentioned symptoms , it is best to see your medical practitioner right away . That way he or she can make an assessment and come up with the proper diagnosis . There are various treatment options available ; including natural remedies . The natural route will require you to combine diet , exercises and vitamins .
The most important vitamins include vitamins A and vitamin B . Digestive enzymes are also known to be very effective when it comes to the treatment of nasal polyps . Exercises such as deep breathing can also be very effective . These will be described in the next chapters .