Nasal Polyps Treatment Miracle PDF EBook Free Download Nasal Polyps Treatment Miracle PDF EBook Free Down | Page 6
In simple terms, nasal polyps are benign growths that are found on the inner lining of
the nasal cavity. The may be present near the nostril (and hence be visible from the
outside) or they may be deep in the sinuses. In the latter case, the person may never
realize they have nasal polyps and blame the symptoms on a recurrent cold or flu.
Nasal polyps have a teardrop shape, are very soft, and are often described as jelly-
like. They may be grey, yellow or pink in color. In medical terms, nasal polyps are
classified as either antrochoanal polyps or ethmoidal polyps. Ethmoidal polyps arise
mainly from the ethmoidal sinuses and are multiple and bilateral. Antrochoanal
polyps are less common and usually arise from the maxillary sinuses. Unlike
ethmoidal polyps, antrochoanal polyps are single and unilateral. As we shall see
later, there are many factors that can trigger the growth of polyps, but in all cases, an
inflammation of the nasal linings is involved. In cases where people have multiple
polyps, it is called: “polyposis”.
Figure 1. Diagram of nasal polyps.