Nasal Polyps Treatment Miracle PDF EBook Free Download Nasal Polyps Treatment Miracle PDF EBook Free Down | Page 11
There are also particular genes that you might inherit from your parents which
actually make you more susceptible to developing the polyps. As with many
conditions, nasal polyps appear to have a genetic component.
In certain instances, the growths are set off by problems associated with an impaired
state of the nervous system. These problems tend to impede the ordinary flow of
fluid via the mucus membrane or may make the mucus lining more labile to
In addition, they may be due to an autoimmune reaction. Our immune system is
responsible for defending our bodies against illness. However, it can happen that the
immune system does the opposite of what it is supposed to do and start attacking
the tissues of the mucus membrane. This normally results in inflammation.
It has also been observed that defects in nose shape, or injuries to the nose
(especially those resulting in a skewed nose), increase the risk of developing nasal
As mentioned already, there are numerous factors that can trigger the growth of
nasal polyps. These growths come in various sizes; from the small ones which do
not produce any symptoms to the bigger ones which affect our breathing. The
ordinary factors that are believed to be the cause of their development range from
inflammation as a result of viruses and bacteria to asthma and other allergies.
However, there is a certain group of scientists in Greece who conducted a study
which might have opened the door to further triggers. Some of these factors include
chemicals in the workplace and certain environmental factors. These factors were
shown to play a significant role when it comes to setting off nasal polyps. The
research was conducted on 100 patients in 3 different hospitals. For each patient,
there were various factors that were taken into account including: educational level,
allergies, gender, family history and work activities to mention a few.