Narratives, Otherwise | Page 13

Garbage and Food: A Telling of Salvaged Waste Anissa Gastelum Fall 2014 Abstract Is dumpster-diving a form of radical reaction against social relations of race and class in an environment of structural violence in the food system of the United States? Dumpster-diving is often tagged with the ethic of freeganism. Freeganism is an ideology of anti-consumerism that seeks to boycott the capitalist system of food economics (as well as other economies, but the focus of this project will be centered on the food politics). Dumpster-diving is the act of rummaging through ‘waste’ in order to salvage food that has been deemed by another as ‘garbage’. It is about the semantic/literal recycling of thrown out food. This freegan movement is often associated with large, urban communities. One aspect of this project that I will focus on are the social relations and compositions of freegan dumpster-diving as it is relevant to race, class, and gender. This will allow for an investigation of any inequalities present among divers and other participants. Following this, I will break down the ideologies present within the communities and probe through the diver ideology as it is concerned with structural violence from societal institutions which connects its [