Front and back cover: Leslie Kell, Into the Sun
Summer cover artist highlight: Leslie Kell
Leslie Kell creates her artwork using an original technique that synthesizes her artistry in
design and photography. She works with natural forms to create a surreal environment in
which her photos are assembled into the spaces and patterns of her design. As the imagery
interacts to create the highlights, shadows and contours of the new image, it unfolds to deeper
discoveries within the composition. The complex and layered work is a visual encounter that
reveals a place you might not recognize—but somehow have been waiting to visit.
Kell has spent much of Spring 2020 remastering her photographic compositions with
video to create peaceful oases. The cinemagraph of “Into the Sun” above is just one of many beautiful, moving artworks. A special collection of her newest cinemagraphs are currently
running at Austin Bergstrom International Airport on the digital gate markers.
“Into the Sun," the artwork featured this summer in the NARM Quarterly, represents emergence and renewal and celebrates the wonder of life and the resiliency of nature, according to the artist. The Monarch butterflies shimmering images and changing light become a timely reminder of the fleeting nature of our realities and reveal a world of endless possibilities.
Instagram: @lesliekell
Youtube: KellCreative
Cinemagraph: Leslie Kell, Into the Sun