Featured Artist: Theresa Martin
Theresa began Georgia Southern University in Savannah, Georgia at the age of 62. Since that time, she has earned two Masters degrees, one in Liberal Arts and one in Adult Education and is currently nearing completion of a Bachelors of Fine Arts. She was introduced to the process of indigo dyeing while at Georgia Southern and began her learning journey into the history and tragedy of its cultivation.
Many of her dolls are made with intense colorful indigo color that saturates their clothing. The indigo fabric designs are formed with wax and paint. Then, the fabric is dipped in vats filled with the enchanting, blue/green bubbly (the mother) dye mixture. The fabric is then cautiously dipped so as not to disturb the mixture by creating too much oxygen, allowing the cloth to peacefully rest (no stirring) for a few moments to absorb the richness of the dye. On first removal from vat, the fabric is mysteriously green, but within minutes it emerges into intensive indigo blues as it is oxidized in the air and sunlight. The wax resists the dye, creating meandering light patterns cascading throughout the fabric.
[Cover page and top: Dolls by Theresa Martin. Photographs by Theresa Martin]