NARM Quarterly Spring 2019 | Page 2

This Spring issue of the NARM

Quarterly features floral artwork from

the late 1800's and early 1900's.

While on the hunt for flowers to

showcase on the cover we were

surprised to discover the hidden

treasures in the U.S. Department of

Agriculture and Smithsonian online

archives. Pages and pages of

beautifully designed floral and

vegetable scenes were created in the

late nineteenth and early twentieth

centuries by countess unsung artists

for mail order seed and garden

calendars, catalogs and packages. In

the words of the Smithsonian archives:

"The real gems of the collection date

from 1830 to the 1930's and are both

beautiful and important publications

that document the history of the seed

and agricultural implement business

and provide insight into the history of

botany and plant research in the United

States, through the introduction of

plant varieties. Seed trade catalogs are

also a window into the evolution of

graphic arts in advertising and the

changing fashions in flowers and


Front and back cover: Salzer John A., Seed Co. 1896. Catalogue of Plants and Seeds no. Spring 1896 (Damaged), Spring 1897, Spring 1898, Spring 1899, La Crosse WI. Courtesy of the Smithsonian Libraries

Dreer’s ‘Gold Medal’ Collection of Old Fashioned Hardy Flowers, Dreer’s Garden Calendar 1902. Henry A, Dreer, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Courtesy of ther U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library

Not only a wealth of visual delights, but historically significant and easily accessible to anyone, these beautiful plates also represent the treasures available in each of our NARM member institutions. NARM reciprocal benefits are a passport to discovery with countless exhibitions available across North America! We hope that when you prepare for spring break and summer vacations you will take some time to visit our participating institutions and discover some treasures of your own on your travels!

Virginia Phillippi

Executive Director

View the Smithsonian image library collection of seed and nursery catalogs at

View more Dreer's calendars and catalogs at