Et Cetera...
Complete List of New and Rejoining Members 12/16/2016 - 3/14/2017
CANADA, AB, Calgary, The Hangar Flight Museum, 403-250-3752, www.thehangarmuseum.ca
CALIFORNIA, Claremont, Claremont Museum of Art, 909-621-3200, www.claremontmuseum.org
D.C., Washington, Dumbarton House, 202-337-2288, www.dumbartonhouse.org
INDIANA, Lafayette, Haan Mansion Museum of Indiana Art, 765-742-6449, www.haanmuseum.org
IOWA, Coralville, Johnson County Historical Society, 319-351-5738, www.johnsoncountyhistory.org
IOWA, Decorah, Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, 563-382-9681, vesterheim.org
LOUISIANA, Lafayette, Vermilionville Living History Museum and Folklife Park, 337-233-4077,
MARYLAND, Annapolis, Hammond-Harwood House, 410-263-4683,
MASSACHUSETTS, Cotuit, Cahoon Musuem of American Art, 508-428-7581,
MONTANA, Lewistown, Lewistown Art Center, 406-535-8278, lewistownartcenter.net
NEW YORK, Lake Placid, Lake Placid-North Elba Historical Society, 518-523-1608,
NEW YORK, Long Island City, The Noguchi Museum, 718-204-7088, www.noguchi.org
OHIO, Athens, Kennedy Museum of Art, 740-593-0952, [email protected]
OHIO, Cleveland, Holden Forests & Gardens: Cleveland Botanical Garden, 216-721-1600,
OHIO, Kirtland, Holden Forests & Gardens: Holden Arboretum, 440-946-4400, Holdenfg.org
OREGON, Ashland, Schneider Museum of Art, 541-552-6245, sma.sou.edu
VERMONT, Brattleboro, Vermont Center for Photography, 802-251-6051, www.vcphoto.org
WASHINGTON, Tacoma, Foss Waterway Seaport, 253-272-2750, www.fosswaterwayseaport.org