The only gaits a Peruvian horse should exhibit in the show ring are the
paso llano and sobreandando. A well-gaited horse should at least cap
his front print with his rear hoof, the judges said.
The performance division should showcase partnership between rider and horse. Judges mentioned the need for consistency in
judging the various maneuvers and educating riders on the proper
way to negotiate the cones. Ideally, riders should make half circles
instead of cutting close to the cones as if racing barrels.
The clinic closed with a question and answer session between
attendees and judges. This year’s annual meeting was one of the most
successful in recent years. It provided an opportunity to spend one
day conducting the business of the organization and one full day of
education about the Peruvian horse.
Stay tuned for next year’s plans!
Left: Roque Benavides presenting judging standards
Middle: The NAPHA BOD thanks Horacio & Mary Kay
Santos for hosting the clinic
Bottom: The clinic attendees pose for the camera
Summer 2014