Nantucket Official Guide | Page 117

Energy & Water Conservation • Schedule an energy audit of your business through the Town Energy office. • Track energy usage and share data with employees. • Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents or other, more energy-efficient lights. • Replace old T12 fluorescent bulbs with energy efficient lighting. • Use motion sensors, timers or other lighting controls in appropriate rooms. • Unplug chargers when not in use. • Use “Energy Star” equipment. • Update insulation or windows. • Use programmable thermostats. • Set all computer monitors to turn off after 10 minutes of inactivity. • Turn all computers off at the end of each business day. • Purchase “Green Power” from local utilities. • Use aerators or auto shut-off on faucets. • Regularly check for and repair leaks in restrooms. • Install commercial ultra low-flow toilets. • Install pre-rinse spray nozzle in kitchens. • Install low-water or no-water landscaping. • Clean outdoor areas with a broom instead of a hose. • Use recovered wastewater or rainwater. • Set thermostats to 76F for cooling; 68F for heating. Community Activities • Join the Clean Team on Saturday mornings. • Pick up litter wherever you see it. • Carry your own water bottle to events. • Offer employee incentives for volunteering at community organizations. Transportation • Implement policies/practices to encourage employee walking, biking, carpooling, and transit. • Add bicycle racks for employee use. • Provide an incentive or reimburse employee travel on public transportation. • Provide an incentive to employees using alternative transportation. • Implement telecommuting. • Use teleconferences or web conferences rather than traveling for face-to-face meetings. • Schedule regular tuneups for business vehicles; inspect tire pressure and check for ground staining regularly. Be a Sustainable Chamber Member! • 115