Namwedding 2nd Digital Edition June 2016 | Page 21

Step 1:

Set up 2 dye baths using denim and navy Rit Dye. Separate the corks into thirds. Place 1/3 of your corks in the denim, 1/3 of your corks in the navy, then leave the last 1/3 natural. Let them soak in the dye for 2 hours, then lay flat to dry.

Step 2:

Add glitter to your marshmallows. Dip one end of the marshmallow in tacky glue then dip that same end in the glitter. Add gold to some of your corks and wood dowels by simply dry brushing a tiny bit of gold paint on the top. Let dry for 2 hours.

Step 3:

Paint your moon! Get creative with your paint and start brushing the various colors of blue on the wood. Make sure to always brush in the same direction and use a curved motion to create a rounded moon.

Step 4:

Once all of your pieces are dry, it’s time to place your corks, wood, and marshmallows onto the moon. Lay out your pieces starting at the left edge and work your way towards the center. The pieces should fit tightly together along the edges then get more disperse as you work your way across the moon. When you have a composition that you like, start hot gluing!! Place a dab of hot glue on the bottom of each piece and let dry completely.

Then, hang your piece from a sturdy branch or lean it in front of a beautiful tree to create a magical moment at your event!

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