their bones and the few teeth they
still had when they died. He has
not passed, he is not gone, he is not
lost: he is dead.
AhcpsS t^md³knIv
hnZKv[bmbn«pÅ tPmen
P\\s¯bpw acWs¯
bpw Xpey {]m[m\yt¯m
sS hniIe\w sN¿m³
Ahsc {]m]vXbm¡p¶p .
]et¸mgpw acWs¯ Hcp
^enXambn«pt]mepw Im
Wp¶ptïm F¶ tXm¶
 t]mepw hmb\¡mcnÂ
but the real heroes are those
etxraordinary men and women
who choose to bequeath their
mortal remains so that others may
learn: the anatomy donors. Zo]IambXp saUn¡Â
hnZymÀ°nIÄ¡v achn¨,
Poh\nÃm¯ PU§tfmSv
tXm¶p¶ IS¸mSns\
Anatomy F¶
hnjbs¯¡pdn¨pw AhÀ
hmNme Bhp¶pïv. Ipdn¨p ]dbp¶XmWv .
Poh\nÃm¯ icoc§Ä
hnZym`ymk¯n\p klm
bn¡pI! ]cmXntbm ]cn
`htam CÃmsX ]T\¯n
\pXIp¶ C¯cw icoc
§sf {]IoÀ¯n¡p¶
GI Fgp¯pImcn
Nnet¸mÄ Sue Black am{Xw
Since there is no way we can
ultimately prevent (death), perhaps
our time would be better spent
focusing on improving and
savoring the period between our
birth and our death: our life.
C¯c¯nepÅ thdn«
Nn´ Black saUn¡Â
kvIqfn ]Tn¡p¶
kab¯pw AhÀ¡pïmbn
cp¶p. DZmlcW¯n\v,
A\m«an ]Tn¡m³ D]
Icn¨p ihicoc§sf
Henry F¶mWv AhÀ
hnfn¨ncp¶Xv, ImcWw
Henry Gray Bbncp¶tÃm
Gray's Anatomy bpsS
cNbnXmhv. Black Csâ
]pkvXI¯nse Silent
Teachers F¶ A[ymbw
FÃm saUn¡Â hnZymÀ
°nIfpw hmbn¨ncnt¡
ïXmWv. UnsÊ£s\
]änbpw BZyambn
"ISmhÀ' ssIImcyw
`oXnsb¸änbpw Black
]dbp¶ Imcy§Ä
We may stand on the shoulders
of scholarly giants, Hippocrates
and Galen, and their descendants
Leonardo da Vinci and Vesalius,
Anatomy teaches you many
things beyond the workings of the
corporeal form. it teaches you
about life and death, humantiy and
atlruism, respect and digntiy; about
teamwork, the importance of
attention to detail, patience,
calmness and manual dextertiy.
CXnsems¡ Nnt´m
hmeyw 19 e-¡w 3
2018 amˬv ` 20
hmÀjn-I h-cn-kwJy tIh-ew 250 cq-]
e-`n-¡p¶-Xv B-[n-Im-cn-I-amb
hn-fn¡q : 0471- 2742266
p-sS B-tcm-Kyw'
Blm-cw "\½
C§-s\-bmb v 10 ]mT§Ä
\½p-sS B-tcm-Kyw | Pq¬ 2018 79