NALJA News - Summer 2024 | Page 6

6 | NALJA News Summer 2024
• Any attempts to disrupt or change the animal ’ s normal dental development .
• Any products , such as steroids or growth stimulants , administered internally or externally to alter the animal ’ s conformation .
• Any stomach pumping without authorization from a licensed veterinarian .
• Protests against exhibitors , individual animals or fitting violations must be submitted in writing , signed by five ( 5 ) active members of the NALF and presented to the Director of Media & Activities within 12 hours of the show ’ s completion .
9 . Substitute Showmen
All junior exhibitors are required to show their own animals . If assistance is needed , the NALJA Board of directors will help . ONLY a NALJA board member will be allowed to assist a junior in the ring . In the case of sickness or injury after arrival at the show , exhibitors ( who must be present at the show ) may select another junior exhibitor to show their animals . The NALF director of junior activities and the president of the NALJA Board of Directors must approve substitute showmen before they enter the showring . Exhibitors with more than one animal in a class may have another NALJA member ( s ) show the additional animal ( s ) without approval .
10 . Check-In
All cattle entered in the NJLSC must be in the stalls by 7 p . m ., Saturday , June 29 , 2024 . Show officials will check tattoos and health papers at that time in the designated check-in area . They will disqualify animals with illegible or incorrect tattoos . All cattle must comply with the Oklahoma Health Requirements . Please go to www . ag . ok . gov to verify . Once an animal has been through check-in and disqualified due to an illegible or a wrong tattoo , that animal may not go through check-in again with a new or fresh tattoo . Show officials will weigh steers and bulls and measure scrotal circumferences at check-in . Have your animal ’ s papers stamped with a “ tattoo verified ” stamp at your regional show to speed up the check-in process . Hard copies of registration
papers are required . No copies will be accepted .
11 . Stalling
Show officials will assign stalls to exhibitors at the NJLSC according to their current addresses on file at NALF . Failure to stall in assigned spaces from 7 p . m . June 29 , 2024 through the end of the Owned show Thursday , July 4 , 2024 , will result in a forfeiture of all premiums and show awards and elimination from the state herdsmanship competition .
Exhibitors must obtain permission for early releases or stalling deviations by submitting written requests and providing proof of need to the NALF office prior to the late entry deadline .
* NEW RULE * Steers and bulls may be released after the completion of their respective shows on Tuesday , July 2 , 2024 .
* NEW RULE * NALJA only allows the stall cards provided at the show in the junior aisles . NALJA prohibits farm / operation signs and tarps and aisle fans .
State associations can have tarp ( s ) with the state association logo and state association signs .
12 . Entry Numbers
All exhibitors must clearly display their entry numbers while they are in the makeup area and showring .
13 . Disposition
To ensure safety , animals with unruly dispositions will not show . The judge or show officials may dismiss exhibitors with unruly animals from the show . NALJA will enforce the rule that after three incidents where the exhibitor loses control of an animal , it will automatically be excused from the ring .
14 . Health Requirements
Health certificates must comply with local rules and regulations for cattle . No animals with hereditary unsoundness may show .
15 . Misrepresentation
Any person found misrepresenting the NALJA rules and regulations will forfeit all premiums and show awards and may be subject to disqualification .
16 . Substitute Animals
NALJA does not allow substitutions for any animals .
17 . Agreement of Responsibility & Liability
Participants must maintain full control , custody , care and feeding of the animals and personal property that they bring on or about the premises of the national and regional junior Limousin shows . Participants clearly understand and agree that NALJA – along with NALF and its officials , officers , directors , employees and agents – shall not be responsible for any damage , loss or injury to any person or property that is caused directly or indirectly