Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine NK Literary Cafe Magazine - April 2018 Issue | Page 74

struggles before they married would not have made her leave him at the altar. She loved the man he was when they met; she would have stuck by that Kurt. She couldn’t say the same about the man Kurt had become in the last two years. “I was doing what was best for us,” Kurt said, raising his hands as if to say “I give up.” “Totally disregarding my needs is what’s best for us?” she pointed out. Settling a hand on her knee didn’t stop the nervous energy that made it shake. She turned to Officer Buchanan and said in a low voice, “I agreed to wait to have children, though.” Breathing deeply, she concentrated on not bursting into tears. She’d shed enough already. “Then about seven months ago, his stepfather gave us more than enough money to put his business on solid ground, and Kurt still wanted me to wait!” Her mouth twisted into a contemptuous frown. “Then just a few hours ago, up pops a mistress I never knew he had.” Officer Buchanan stopped taking notes and tossed a furious gaze at Kurt like she was ready to tear his head off. Val flashed eight fingers in the air. “She. Was. Eight. Months. Pregnant!” Each word was more shrill than the previous one. Thrusting an index finger toward her husband, she yelled, “With his child!” “Yeah, but she got pregnant by mistake,” Kurt shot back from the other side of the room. The officers shared a speaking glance and frowned. “You got pregnant on purpose,” Kurt snarled with disdain. Val’s rage propelled her off the arm of the sofa. “Oh, so it’s okay for you to have an affair and accidentally get your lover pregnant, but it’s not okay for your wife to carry your seed?!” Hands on her hips, she dared him to say something. Kurt pushed himself off the wall. The muscle-bound cop put his hand on Kurt’s chest to keep him in place. “Look, what you two got going on is way above my pay grade. You need marital counseling or something. But for now, you’ll both need to steer clear of each other