Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine NK LCM February 2018 Anniversary Issue | Page 54

Why I ’ m

Not a fan of Black History Month

Johanna Sparrow

Now that I have your attention , let me start off by saying there ’ s a problem in the Black community when someone , no matter who he or she is , has to tell us to research our history . Since designating a month for us has been the only way for many Black people to crack open a book and dive into history , I guess it works for some . As a woman of color , I should know my history , which is the history of melanated people , and the fact that this isn ’ t a daily study for most is alarming .
February seems to be the only month that many of my brothers and sisters take an interest in learning something about their history . Why is that ? What the hell is going on ? A people who take pride in themselves will always seek knowledge and truth . Black history shouldn ’ t be something discussed for only one month ; it should be a part of everyday life .
Too often , I ’ m confronted with questions from people who are unsure of who they are . They don ’ t know if they ’ re African or not , and my answer to those questions is simple : since the inception of time on this planet , Black people have been here . We are the original people . Study the history of melanated people throughout history . Stop narrowing the time you seek knowledge of your history to one month given to you by someone else , even if it was given to you by a person of color . It should not be looked at for a month .
In my home , I make a concerted effort to constantly research the many melanated cultures throughout the world by reminding my family to not only know their U . S . history , but learn their world history as well . If you ’ re the parents of small children or teens , you should be doing everything in your power to educate them and yourself about your history . Know your culture and don ’ t depend on the school system to teach your children their true pre-slavery history .
I never cared for Black History Month even when I was a teenager . I felt it was our responsibility to know our past cultures and achievements . Also , learn from past mistakes so they can be prevented in the future . If the majority of Black homes can buy game systems and excessive clothing , they should at least have a small library of books on black culture , inventions , and history .
Therefore , no , I ’ m not a fan of Black History Month because after that month has passed , many of our people never pick up a history book on black culture and history again until they ’ re forced to . Start educating your children and yourself on black achievements of the past , and not just from the 2000s . We have a lot of work to do , especially in our homes , if we ’ re going to get our young people in the mindset of seeking knowledge , wisdom , and truth . Make learning Black history a part of your everyday lives so you and your children can make a difference and spark change for the rest of the world .
Is this too much to ask for from every Black home ? The answer is no . So get up and teach your children the history of melanated people beyond that of slavery in America . Our history didn ’ t start there as the media and school system has brainwashed most of us to believe . What were our people before slavery ? What did they achieve pre-slavery ? What things do you use in your daily life and take for granted that
54 | NKLC Magazine