Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine March 2017 Issue | Page 4

Winds of Change . . .

Remember when Spring Break was actually called “ Clean
Up Week ”? And that ’ s exactly what we did — clean everything . In our house , it meant washing the walls , cleaning the cabinets , chucking stuff out of the garage , getting rid of clothes that no longer fit — all of that and then some .
Well , we ’ re coming up on April and that ’ s a time where spring sets in ( unless you ’ re from Chicago and snow is in the forecast three months after winter ’ s supposed to end ). Spring is where we plant new seeds , make new friendships , and do what we can to revive ourselves . Well , none of that can happen without getting some of the old debris out of our lives . We have to get rid of excess , whether it ’ s material things that no longer serve a purpose for us or people who don ’ t mean us any earthly good .
This March issue of Naleighna Kai ’ s Literary Café Magazine is all about the winds of change and preparing for transformation .
Sometimes that means going within and dealing with the parts of us that we know might require some work related to forgiveness , stubbornness , self-doubt ,