Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine January 2018 New Year, New You | Page 65

spitting in the face of the underworld sacrifices her brothers made for her , alone , to make it in this world and become successful . And with one stroke of a pen , she ’ d lose it all to be tethered to a man who was losing his soul on an hourly basis and demanding that she give up hers as well .
She also couldn ’ t have her brothers go to prison and leave her mother , Tamara Pearson , without the two offspring she favored over everyone else , including Samara . People died of a broken heart all the time . Her mother would be no exception . The feisty older woman had been disabled since birth , taken advantage of by her parents , then sold off to a man who did the same before leaving her with three children to raise on her own . Maybe this one sacrifice would be the thing to bring them closer . Maybe . Each time Samara made any strides in life , her mother seemed to take it personally , even going so far as calling her a “ white woman with brown skin .” Now that Samara had the chance to set Donny and Ricky free , and give them a better start somewhere else , she had to take it .
She didn ’ t turn to face Darek as she asked , “ And you ’ d give them enough money to start a new life somewhere else ? Away from Chicago ?”
“ Sign this , and it ’ s a done deal ,” he shot back , almost as if he had anticipated her request .
Only then did Samara walk to where the lawyer ’ s crestfallen face awaited her . Evidently , Tina had wanted Samara to show Darek exactly what she was made of by walking away . She could if it only affected her life . But her brothers ? They meant the world to her . They taught her how to survive , how to look at school as a way out , how to size people up , how to shoot straight , and how to gamble . They had wanted her to be the one person in the family to be successful since they had already given in to the trappings of a hopeless existence that would leave them dead or behind bars . If she could give them a third option , at least they would have a chance . What they did with it , was up to them . Hopefully , they had witnessed firsthand the bottomless pit of hell that prison could become . She hoped she was risking her happiness for their redemption .
“ If you screw me on this , you won ’ t ever get to touch me again . And as quiet as it ’ s kept , ten children will be out of the question .” She gestured to Tina . “ Let ’ s make this simple and in a way that I can understand .”
Darek ’ s sharp intake of breath caused both Tina and Samara to look his way as he stammered , “ But — but —”
“ I don ’ t want your money ,” Samara said . “ It was never about the money . It was because you were there for me . I thought you saw me for more than a pretty face , a curvy body , and what ’ s between my legs .”
She shook her head at how naïve she ’ d been when it came to him . At least her brothers were honest about their sins ; her grandparents had been the same way when
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