Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine January 2018 New Year, New You | Page 41
he’s very independent, says anything without thinking of how
what she says effects people. She’s stubborn, controlling, spiteful,
cantankerous, and stressful and wants to be independent but is totally
dependent on me. She loves her sons unconditionally, but barely tolerates
her daughter. She tells her daughter how to dress, how to wear her hair,
how to drive, how to raise her child, how to spend her money, etc., etc.,
and so forth, and complains that her daughter never listens to her. She is
90 years old and I love her with all of my heart. She is my mama. I hate
to admit it, and some people might be shocked. But wow, sometimes I
feel like throwing mama from the train. Can I get a witness??!!’
y goal for this book is to explore and offer some advice and
techniques that have been shared with me from various women
on how to have balance in this extremely complicated relationship, and
definitely “How NOT To Throw Mama from the Train”. Remember, we
can’t change our mamas. The secret to a successful relationship is how
we respond to them. “The relationship between parents and children
but especially between mothers and daughters is extremely powerful,
scarcely to be comprehended in any rational way” – Joyce Carole Oates
Janice Hooker Fortman, Ed.D is an award winning international speaker
and author, who specializes in the field of communication as it relates to be-
haviors. Her workshops offer insight, into the communication patterns that
cause difficulties in the adult daughter/aging mother relationship.
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