Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine First Edition | Page 15

OMG , right from the beginning I thought “ This book is going to be AMAZING !” Cathy has given up on her marriage and her husband Ben . This is her story and boy what an emotional ride Mia Asher has given us !!
It is raw and real . Anyone that has been through a breakup can totally relate to the feelings of disconnect that Cathy is feeling at the beginning of the book . The issue that is driving Cathy away from Ben hit me like a ton of bricks and it brought about a sadness that touched me to the core .
Then Arsen enters the picture . He is young , sexy , and wants Cathy . For quite awhile they keep their attraction under control , but then one day it changes . I really wanted to dislike Cathy at this point , but Asher ’ s writing style made it hard to do so .
Ben !!! He is quite possibly the most realistic male character I ’ ve ever seen in a work of fiction . He is one of the good guys . Normally when reading a book , I mainly identify with the female lead , but in Arsen , I identified most with Ben . Anyone that has had their heart broken , been disappointed , and publicly humiliated will identify with him . He simply wants to love his spouse and enjoy married life .
Arsen is gut-wrenching . This book is about grown adults who are in realistic situations . It gets ugly , painful , and even at some parts it is beautiful . It is one of those books where you could switch out the character ’ s names and put people from your real life and it would read just the same . This book stayed with me long after I finished the last page . If you have not read Arsen yet , then I would highly recommend it !
Reading in Black & White ( RIBW ) focuses on what ’ s written on the pages and not the person who wrote them . RIBW values diversity and it is represented as a wide range of books written by authors of all ethnicities , and genders are highlighted and reviewed . Indie and self-published authors , as well as books that make a personal connection , hold a special place in my heart !
Reach Tiffany directly at readinginblackandwhite @ gmail . com or visit the blog at : http :// readinginblackandwhite . com