Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine Father's Day Tributes | Page 63

that life was more than just about the blood coursing through his veins. “You sent me a woman who’s afraid to let me in and love her, and I didn’t even realize that loving her unconditionally was what I needed to do most.” Pierce lowered his head, fighting against the wracking sobs that begged for release. “I always believed we had time to make things right. And all that pride and— whatever—doesn’t matter.” Rubbing his bare head, he conceded, “I know exactly what I need to do. I’ll move my ass—um, butt—to Chicago the moment Raven’s well enough to travel. No more of this stubbornness, no more being uncompromising, no more not being there for her.” Pierce’s words echoed in the quiet chapel. “Finally, if I had to ask for anything for myself, it’s strength. Give me the strength to deal with whatever comes my way. My greatest prayer is for them to be here, but I know that everything is according to Divine Order and that might mean…” Pierce let out a long, slow breath. “Give me the strength to handle this. Give me the strength to help in whatever way I’m needed.” He clasped his hands and let out another breath, sniffling back the remaining tears. “Okay, God, I think that’s about it.” Pierce sensed someone behind him. He opened his eyes and turned to see the chaplain standing near the doors. “How long have you been standing there?” “Oh, about since, ‘God, I haven’t really spoken to you…’.” Pierce nodded. He wouldn’t feel the least bit ashamed. Only Eric, Raven, and Ava had shown spiritual awareness—not a holier-than-thou, my-way-is-the-only- way take on religion. He was still studying the books Ava and Eric had given him and trying to get a handle on things. And it was the only reason he was here, trying to make the connection to God once again.