Why I believe in a Heavenly Father
It had taken me years to understand the
difference between “religion” and “spirituality.”
One is something you’ve been taught and the
other you’ve experienced. I’d lived the latter of
the two, spirituality. comfortable gloom to answer the landline phone.
And of all people, it was my mother. Now, let me
add, I had my cell phone sitting beside me and she
always called that number. Rarely she would call
me on my grandmother’s line.
Before this literary journey, I was broke,
survived sexual abuse, and raised three
children alone. Despondent and in a lot of pain,
I threw my hands up and felt my only option was
to take my life. Instead of praying for hope, I’d
prayed for death. The moment I asked for that
ominous request, the phone ringed. Thinking
my grandmother was to answer the call, it
kept ringing and ringing until I got up from my Anyway, the first thing she asked as soon as I
answered the phone was, am I okay? She added, “I
had this strange feeling I needed to call you?
At this point, I could end this story and say, this
is why I believe in God. Yet, my experience had
been more than my mom saving me from myself.
Or deciding to finish a manuscript that stayed on
my hard drive for years on that same night. Or
managing to feed my kids with barely anything in
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