When fathers step up
Happy Father’s Day to my forever love, my hubby,
Charles or Chuckie as I like to call him. The best
family man I know.
You are the epitome of what a father should be.
You work hard for your family and make sure we’re
straight on all fronts. I appreciate everything you
do for us. I can honestly say that I’m not alone in
this. There are many married-single mothers out
there, and I’m fortunate to say I’m not one of them.
Your caring for the girls as much as I do does not go
unnoticed: dental visits, late-night pick-ups/early
morning drop-offs, sliding Sierra money on the
side, and a referee when needed (thank goodness
we haven’t needed that in a while).
You make sure the boys are straight, even though
they’re in another state: late night phone calls
helping Chad with Calculus, advice on how to fix
the car, sending care packages of something they
need or want.
16 | NKLC Magazine
Chuckie, you lead by example. You show our girls
how a woman should be treated simply by the way
you love on me. You teach our boys how to treat a
lady in the way you talk to their mother and to me.
They see firsthand what love, respect, and manhood
is all about.
One of the things I love most about you is that you
accepted and treated Sierra as your own from the
very start. People who don’t know us personally, have
no idea she’s your bonus daughter.
Your verbiage when you speak of her warms my
heart. “This is my daughter,” “I’m on my way to my
daughter’s basketball game,” “my daughter’s prom is
such and such date…come through and see her off ”
“you know my daughter’s about to graduate from
high school,” “I love you and I want what’s best for
you.” You’ve never, not even in the early years of our
marriage, addressed her or introduced her as your
stepdaughter. There’s such beauty in that.