Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine Cavalcade Issue of NKLCM | Page 71

Martha Kennerson His Biggest Fan Story Note My story within this anthology is driven by secrets. Everyone has secrets. Secret desire, secret passions and a secret love. A man’s secret love for a woman and a woman’s secret fear of exposure. Some secrets need to be exposed. “Well damn.” Tonya pulled out her cell and sent Andrea a quick text explaining her misfortune and advising that she was calling it a night. She was heading for the bank of elevators when a familiar voice came from a small conference room. Tonya stopped, took a half- step inside and found Dr. Murphy finishing a call. Before she could make a graceful retreat, he turned and his gaze locked on to hers. The heat between them was instant and profound. “Dr. Banks,” he called out, barely above a whisper. A slow sexy smile spread across his face as he placed his phone in his pocket. “Forgive me, Dr. Murphy. I didn’t mean to intrude.” Tonya intended to take a step back out of the space; only her feet seemed to have taken root. He crossed the room in three strides closing the distance between them. They stood in silence, and the temperature in the room seemed to jump to dangerous levels. “You’re not intruding,” he replied, gifting her with a mega-watt smile. Suddenly Tonya felt lightheaded. A feeling she’d come to expect whenever they shared the same oxygen. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Breathe, Dr. Banks.” Tonya released a mouthful of air she hadn’t realized she was holding. They came in rapid succession. Tonya’s breasts were heavy, and she ached at the apex of her thighs; feelings he evoked whenever he was in her presence. Tonya gave her head a small shake. Here she was, a successful thirty-five-year-old doctor running one of the country’s premier ER’s, and she was acting like a horny teenager. “And you can call me Chuck,” he said circling her like a shark would prey. He closed the door before coming to stand close enough for Tonya to feel the heat radiating from his body. “Chuck.” Tonya took a step back, but he matched her moves until her back hit the door. The overwhelming desire was intoxicating and something she couldn’t fight. Not that she was trying. Tonya’s hands lay flat against his chest. He responded by placing both hands against the door trapping