Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine April Issue - Heaven & Hell | Page 35

to use to deliver a message through? I wanted to prove the naysayers wrong by providing a few urban lit authors who were an authority in the genre a platform to showcase the diversity in their gift. These authors brought out their A game and penned stories that didn’t include explicit language or graphic sex scenes, while at the same time giving honor to the one who gave them their gift in the first place. How much of your stories mirror your real life or the lives of people you know? As a fiction author, my formula is to write what I know first, research what I don’t know, and then make up all the rest. I had no idea that every book I wrote would be about me. I’m glad I didn’t know, because sometimes knowing too much will keep us from doing what we’ve been called and assigned to do. If I had known before sitting down to write over thirty books that I was going to have to show readers (through my writing) how awful of a mother I was to my son that I got pregnant with at the age of 15 and gave birth to at the age of 16, I would have never e ven purchased a computer! There are so many things penned in my books that I thought were between just God and me, then He turned around and tricked me into sharing it with the world. I won’t say tricked, but there were a lot of things I’d forgotten about in regard to my past. What I know is that God didn’t bring them forth to hurt me, shame me, embarrass me, or make me feel guilty. He brought them back to my remembrance as a reminder of how far He brought me, so that I could then turn around and let my readers know that if He did it for me, then He can and will do it for them. Do you have a specific outline when writing a new book?