Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine April Issue - Heaven & Hell | Page 24

Naleighna Kai ’ s Chocolate Chat featuring


Naleighna Kai : Of all the genres to write in , what compelled you to write Christian Comedy-Fiction ?
Pat G ’ Orge-Walker : Mama was Pentecostal . Daddy was Baptist . I got tired of hypocrites , but had to find a humorous way to bring the message home . I began with monologues that warped into short stories I didn ’ t know I was creating a new genre of fiction
NK : Yes , you are in a league of your own . I don ’ t know anyone else writing that type of fiction .
Pat G ’ Orge-Walker : Library Journal credits me with creating senior romance . Who knew ?
NK : Speaking of such , what has been the response / backlash from church folks in regards to the deep subject matter that you cover in such a humorous way ?
Pat G ’ Orge-Walker : In almost forty years I can only remember one person giving me grief . It had to do with Don ’ t Blame the Devil . A man thought I shouldn ’ t have written about elderly sex
NK : What ? Folks over 65 don ’ t get it in ?
Pat G ’ Orge-Walker : I told he gentleman that I wrote from then current experience and thanked the Lord for the experience .
NK : Whoop !!! Don ’ t rule out the Geriatric Club . LOL !!!!!! Where did the concept for Don ’ t Blame the Devil come from ?
Pat G ’ Orge-Walker : The concept began with a situation where someone tried negotiating with God .
Shannan Harper : At the beginning , Did what happened to Delilah happen to you as a baby ?