Naleighna Kai's Literary Cafe Magazine April Issue - Heaven & Hell | Page 22

All for Love by Martha Kennerson Nearly three years ago, I had the opportunity to attend the Cavalcade of Authors event in Chicago. The event provides a chance for authors and readers to spend a weekend together getting to know each other on a more personal level. Over a three-day period, we hang- out with some of the industry’s most prolific literary authors doing everyday activities such as sharing meals, partying, cancing and dance lessons, playing games, shopping, attending worship service and yes, reading and discussing books. No, this article is not a commercial for the Cavalcade of Author’s event. Although if you haven’t had a chance to check it out you should. I had the pleasure of being introduced to a beautiful silver-haired Christian comedienne by the name of Pat G’Orge- Walker. During one of the Cavalcade’s after hour chat sessions, I learned that she is a National and Essence bestselling author of nearly a dozen novels and for years she had a successful one-woman comedy show. Those chats are like Vegas; what happens during the chats … well you know the rest. What I will say is this, don’t let Pat’s gray hair fool you. She has a fire down in in her soul. As a preacher’s kid growing up in the church, Pat witnessed first-hand , hows saints displayed un-Christian-like behavior. Her unique prospective on those experiences inspired her to develop a character she named Sister Betty—a no-nonsense prayer