NAILBA Perspectives Winter 2020 | Page 41

Steps in practical terms

What ’ s on their minds , not yours ?
When speaking with clients , ask them what ’ s on their minds , instead of telling them what you think they ought to be concerned about . Until you learn where their real risks and concerns are , you really can ’ t provide the help they need , and you won ’ t be able to uncover the real risks until you ask the right questions .
What part of your business can you hone ?
Whether it ’ s networking , prospecting , building rapport , closing , or any of the myriad other skills that make up your role as an advisor , sometimes you struggle . When you do , don ’ t be reluctant to tap into the experience and skill set of an associate or a mentor . The more experienced advisors and producers I know are always eager to help a younger advisor progress , but they won ’ t know you need the help unless you ask .
Ready to expand the way you interact with people through using technology ?
The challenges of the past months shows how important flexibility of communication can be . You can learn how others are achieving success by diving into the various tools and asking questions of current users . Start reading tech blogs and other tech newsletters . If you hear of someone whose practice is similar to yours , find out what they ’ re doing and take what works for you .
Are you an advisor who wants to get a better handle on the most current products and the most state-of-the-art planning ideas and approaches ?
Talk to that brokerage general agent you use only sporadically . In my many years in this business , one of the bigger lost opportunities I ’ ve observed is the advisor who underutilizes their brokerage general agency and other wholesalers . Too often , the advisor has the BGA pegged in his or her mind as that place that can help with the really hard-to-insure prospect . But the great BGAs are so much more than that . The BGA can provide sales ideas , joint-call support , unsurpassed product knowledge , and the expertise that can help the advisor get in to see that hardto-see prospect . But you ’ ll never know what your BGA can do for you until you sit down and have that conversation about where they see their own strengths . Ask lots of questions of your BGA , and make sure they understand who you are and what kind of help would make a difference in your business .
Want to get stronger as a business person ?
That takes work , and begins with asking yourself the hard questions about where you are and where you want to be . I was struck recently when I attended the virtual MDRT Annual Meeting and noted how many of the presentations were about self-improvement , both as a person and as an advisor . These top producers never stop trying to improve . And like them , you ’ d do yourself a huge favor if you took the same kind of approach . Get stronger as a business person by asking yourself the hard questions about your strengths and weaknesses , and then ask for help in making the changes you need to make .
Only way to fight uncertainty is to ask good questions . www . nailba . org 41