NAILBA Perspectives Winter 2020 | Page 24


Marketing strategies :

Accommodating post-pandemic consumers

Local search is becoming more prominent in overall search engine results — embrace search engine optimization ( SEO ) strategies and tools to enhance local performance .
Financial services is an increasingly tech-driven industry . As a financial advisor moving into 2021 , technology will be your foundation for reaching new clients and retaining your existing ones . The new digital approach to consumer decision-making makes it essential for advisors to demonstrate value virtually in order to attract new customers .
If you haven ’ t already , move into 2021 ready to engage clients and prospects through email , social media , online account management , and other digital channels . Seek out marketing platforms , tools , and resources that automate some of these processes and amplify your impact — or seek the help of a marketing agency that can handle this work for you .
Use marketing automation to : Create content and follow leads across the customer journey of awareness , consideration , and decision stages Trigger email campaigns to leads who attend a live or on-demand webinar Send follow-up emails when someone downloads an offer , such as a retirement checklist Schedule social media posts with commentary on recent financial legislation Promote upcoming events for your firm
Set it up
If you haven ’ t already , create an online calendar so that leads can book meetings directly from your website . Don ’ t make it hard for people to get in touch with you . If a client introductory call is the last stage in your client ’ s purchase journey ( decision stage ), it is important to link to the calendar as a call to action in your marketing efforts in order to increase the number of appointments you set .
If you have the budget , create visual content that offers tutorials of financial concepts , demonstrations of different financial services , and graphical information about investments . Share this content on your website , in emails , and on social media to demonstrate thought leadership .
Katie Godbout , Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Covisum thrives on making an impact by combining her expertise in strategy development , marketing and sales to help advisors and institutions inform their clients of the best financial decisions . KGodbout @ covisum . com
24 Perspectives Q4 2020
Google it Local search is becoming more and more prominent in overall search engine results . Your firm needs to embrace search engine optimization ( SEO ) strategies and tools that will enhance local performance . For example , if your firm is based in Kansas City , Missouri , you ’ ll want to increase your chances of showing up when consumers google “ Kansas City Financial Advisor ” or “ Good Financial Advisor Near Me .” Get started now and make sure your name , address , and phone number are consistent across key places such as your website , your social media accounts and on Google My Business .
Nimble enough to pivot Obviously , the global pandemic has shifted how many companies conduct business . Right now , business success is contingent on the ability to define a goal and create a plan to achieve that goal , all while being nimble enough to pivot at any moment . To serve today ’ s wealth management clients , a digital-first approach is key to keeping pace with the evolving industry landscape while also setting yourself apart from your competition .