NAILBA Perspectives Winter 2020 | Page 45

MARKETING 5 TIPS for Millennial marketing The stereotype of the Millennial generation is the college graduate who moves back into his parent’s basement to save money and pay down student loan debt while posting gaming videos to YouTube where he has millions of followers and earns more in ad money than in his day job. Insurance advisors can connect well with Millennials by matching up to the attributes Millennials value — being economical, family-oriented, technological, and above all, respectful of their time. Here are five tips to tap into the niche, harnessing the power of millennial marketing. TIP #1 — Use inexpensive technology to save time Technology allows the savvy advisor to save time. The challenge is that there is no roadmap that defines which technologies to use. Begin by analyzing repetitive marketing and sales tasks that you do the most. Replace those tasks with time saving tech solutions. Spend a lot of time booking meetings? Use Calendly. Onboarding a lot of clients? Use email templates and automated sequences. Insurance marketing fundamentals are still the same as they’ve always been. To help an insurance client you need to prospect, build trust, educate, consistently follow up, and deliver a compelling value proposition. The technology allows you to execute these steps quicker and easier than ever before. TIP #2 — ABC means “Always Be Connecting” The old slogan of Always Be Closing has been replaced by a new mantra. The hard sell is dead. Use a consultative approach and continuously educate your prospects. To get there you need to build a robust prospect list and stay top of mind. With the internet, you can be connecting with more clients without geographical limitations, 24/7. Marc Glickman, FSA, CLTC, is Founder and CEO of BuddyIns Long Term Care Solutions. A graduate of Yale University, Marc is a proud Millennial and actuary, he is a leading expert in LTCI solutions and is on the Board of Advisors for CLTC. TIP #3 — Digitize your relationship management Once you connect with prospects or clients, make sure to create and maintain a customer relationship management (CRM) database. Sound complicated? Well, it’s not too difficult. All you need is an Excel spreadsheet with their first name, last name, email address, and phone number. Your CRM is the foundation for your marketing outreach. You can use it to send personal emails, broadcast emails, invitations to webinars, identify who has visited your website, and much more. TIP #4 — Mission-driven messaging and a servant mentality Your online persona should match your real personality. The biggest mistake I see from agents in their marketing is trying to overtly sell their services before getting to know their connections. Would you walk up to someone on the street, hand them your card, and blurt out, “call me if you need insurance?” Why would you do it online? TIP #5 — Have fun with your marketing If you don’t enjoy the process of marketing, your audience won’t enjoy watching it either. Choose the type of marketing that suits your personality. How to market like a Millennial My top 5 tips are to use technology, always be connecting, digitally track your prospects, have a servant mentality, and have fun with your marketing. Give away your knowledge and you will find that you can build more lasting client relationships than you could ever imagine. 45