NAILBA Perspectives Fall 2020 | Page 8

ID 20 WINNERS — Q&A Dashboards of success Third part in the Q&A series with NAILBA ID Twenty award winners In the 3rd quarter of last year, Perspectives looked at where the industry stood with embracing software and technology advancements. The feedback from the BGAs, carriers, producers and technology vendors was that our industry was moving in the right direction, but a more aggressive pace for adoption was desired. Fast-forward a year, and add a pandemic to the mix. The pace in which adoption and innovation is occurring has been injected with turbos. Forced by the needs of the market, it seems working with digital dashboards, learning new software and embracing virtual communications platforms have become an immediate necessity for business success and customer engagement. Dashboards Q&A continued on page 10 8 Perspectives Q3 2020